My Journey

I once stood green and lively
Feeling the wind as it blew around me
I danced to every music in life
Drenched in the rains pouring down on me
Then came “the fall”
I turned Red, Orange, Yellow
Oh gosh! I was the beautiful gem
As times passed by, I lost my strength
The strong arms that once held me
Let me go…
Here I am, lying on the ground
The arms that held me, have gone weak too
I can watch them in sunshine and dark too
Oh dear love! I say, I still love you
But wait,
What’s that?
The white cottonish stuff from the heavens
I shall soon be buried under it
I can feel it covering me all over
I can now barely see my love
Here I am..
Dry, speechless, dead ‘Snow clad leaf’
But, soon I shall rise like Phoenix
A tiny green leaf on the Maple tree!
May 8, 2019 @ 3:21 am
Wow…. Superb ?????
May 8, 2019 @ 3:22 am
Wowwww superb ????