Chapter 7 – Canada Justice System

- In the Canadian justice system, what is the “presumption of innocence”?
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty
- Canada’s legal system based on:
The rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principles and due process
- In the Canadian justice system, what is “due process”?
The principle that the government must respect all of legal rights a person is entitled to under the law
- In Canada, how are the laws administered?
In an impartial manner, only the facts are taken into consideration
- In Canada, what is the definition of “law”?
The written rules intended to guide people in our society
- In Canada, how are the rules made?
By elected representatives
- In Canada, who is above the law?
- In Canada, to which following category do the laws not apply?
None of the above
- Which of the following is not an objective of the laws in Canada?
Put more people in jail
- The highest court in Canada is: The Supreme Court
- The Federal Court deals with: Matters concerning the federal government
- In Canada, the police are there to help you.
- The role of the police in Canada is: To keep people safe and to enforce the law
- The RCMP stands for Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Which of the following is not a responsibility of the RCMP in Canada?
Serve as municipal police in all major cities in Canada
- In which province(s) does the RCMP not serve as the provincial police?
Ontario and Quebec
- In Canada, you can question the police about their service or conduct if you feel the need.
- If you cannot pay for a lawyer, how can you get legal help?
Go to legal aid services available in most communities
- What does the Canadian justice system guarantee?
Due process under the law
- High court is not a provincial court.