..Set free

I have finally freed myself
Free of the guilt,
The guilt of
missing those special moments with you,
not being around when you needed me the most,
not sharing your pain when you wanted my shoulder to lean on.
But, I know, it will come back to me too,
The times when I shall need you but you won’t be around.
But, I hope, you will understand
My absence wasn’t intentional,
My choices weren’t completely mine,
I hope at least you felt those hidden tears when I laughed with the world but,
I so wanted to be with you.
Time has come,
to be nice to myself,
to set my emotions free,
Emotions. I have been holding onto, for long.
I wasn’t mean, I just couldn’t be there for you.
So I set myself free,
It’s time my heart beats without pain
my lungs breathe without a sigh
my eyes see without holding onto boundless tears,
And I finally walk content and guilt free…