Chapter 4 – Modern Canada

- What began Canada’s modern energy industry in 1947?
The discovery of oil in Alberta
- When were the majority of Canadians able to afford adequate food, shelter and clothing for the first time?
- Why do Canadians enjoy one of the world’s highest standards of living?
By working hard and by trading with other nations
- When was introduced Unemployment insurance (now called “employment insurance”)?
- When was Old Age Security devised?
- When were the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans devised?
- Canada is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Canada is a member of the United Nations (UN)
- What was the “Quiet Revolution”?
An era of rapid change in the 1960s in Quebec
- Which Act guarantees French and English services in the federal government across Canada?
The Official Languages Act
- What are the two official languages of Canada?
French and English
- What is “La Francophonie”?
An international association of French-speaking countries
- Quebec enjoys sovereignty in Canada
- When did the Japanese-Canadians gain the right to vote?
- When were Aboriginal people granted the right to vote.
- By the 1960s, how many Canadians had origins that were neither British nor French?
- Who were the Group of Seven?
Seven Canadian visual art artists who developed a certain style of painting
- Who were pioneers of modern abstract art in the 1950s?
“Les Automatistes” of Quebec
- Basketball was invented by a Canadian
- Why is Terry Fox a Canadian national hero?
He inspired people to contribute money for cancer research
- What is often referred to as “the goal heard around the world”?
The winning goal for Canada in the Canada-Soviet Summit Series in 1972
- Which Canadian circled the globe in a wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord research?
Rick Hansen
- Canadian football is absolutely identical to American football
- Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
- Who invented the snowmobile?
Joseph-Armand Bombardier
- Who invented the worldwide system of standard time zones?
Sir Sandford Fleming
- Who is known as “the greatest living Canadian”?
Dr. Wilder Penfield
- Insulin was discovered by a Canadian
- Who invented the first cardiac pacemaker?
Dr. John A. Hopps
- The Blackberry is a Canadian invention
- When did Canada enjoy one of the strongest economies among industrialized nations?
Between 1945 and 1970
- When did Canada draw closer to the United States and other trading partners?
Between 1945 and 1970
- What does the Canada Health Act ensure?
Common elements and a basic standard of coverage
- What was the name of the war that began when several liberated countries of Eastern Europe became part of a Communist bloc controlled by the Soviet Union?
The Cold War
- When did the Parliament establish the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism?
- Who invented Basketball?
James Naismith
- Who created insulin?
Sir Frederick Banting of Toronto and Charles Best
- Which famous Canadian artist painted the forests and Aboriginal artifacts of the West Coast?
Emily Carr
- Who pioneered modern Inuit art?
Kenojuak Ashevak
- Which of the following is a person of letters who had a significant cultural impact?
Pauline Johnson
- Which of the following is a Canadian musician who won renown in Canada and abroad?
Sir Ernest MacMillan
- Which of the following is a writer who has diversified Canada’s literary experience?
Michael Ondaatje
- Who was a celebrated sculptor of historical figures?
Louis-Philippe Hébert
- Whose films have been popular in Quebec and across the country, and have won international awards?
The films of Denys Arcand